
First Post

To start, I think I will give the origins of this blog and explain the blog's name:

As I rode home from work yesterday I was thinking about how easily my body could tell the difference between 47 degrees and 42 degrees. Only five degrees of difference but somewhere between them was the line between the lower end of comfortable riding and the top end of blisteringly cold. (Please understand that I have lived in San Diego my whole life. So while 40 degrees might be paradise to those of you in Minnesota or anywhere in the Midwest or Northeast, it is considered quite cold here.) I began to chastise myself for never checking the weather before I head out the door in the morning. I wanted there to be a site that would easily give me the local weather for that morning and afternoon/evening part of my commute.

This is not that site.

Instead I realized that I have many thoughts to share about cycle commuting and even more still to learn, thus the Tomorrow Morning's Weather blog was formed.

In it I hope to share what I've learned about commuting via bicycle (and public transportation) and hopefully you will do the same via the comments section.